Seeking a Job

VetNetAmerica works with you to find the position best suited to your individual needs and desires:

  • Free to Job Seekers
  • Strictly Confidential
  • No Obligation
  • Nationwide Openings

Fill out our contact form or email us for more information on how to register for our free job search service.

Which type of position are you interested in?

The mission of the recruiting team at VetNetAmerica is to help members of the veterinary profession acquire the best jobs suited to their individual needs. In the process we find the best employees for some of the top veterinary hospitals in the country. We work with the employee and employers to find the ideal match. Searches are strictly Confidential. When the employee grants permission to identify himself or herself, we send a resume and set up an interview. By the time the employee meets the prospective employer, the employee generally knows the expectations of the hospital, the salary, and the benefits. We essentially eliminate the potential for the employee to go through an embarrassing, stressful interview only to learn later that the salary, hours, or expectations are not compatible between employee and employer.

If you’re ready to register, please contact us or fill in the form below


3612 Rives Road
Petersburg, Virginia 23805
Toll Free 1-877-VetNet4 (838-6384)
Tel 1-804-733-9900
Fax 1-804-733-9100
Email Us:

Confidentiality Statement

Let us help you to find employees who are most likely to match your hospital’s needs. We find candidates efficiently, quickly and affordably. You only pay a fee if you hire a VetNetAmerica referred candidate. For additional information please fill out our contact form or email us.

Looking to Hire

Let us help you to find employees who are most likely to match your hospital’s needs. We find candidates efficiently, quickly and affordably.


You pay a percentage of the employee’s annual salary only if a candidate is hired. For additional information please fill out our contact form or email us.


We provide: Confidentiality Extensive Database of Applicants Benefit of Vast Industry Experience Pre-Screened Applicants Assistance in Mediating Differences Feedback


Contact Us


Job Seeker

VetNetAmerica works with you to find the position best suited to your individual needs and desires:

-Free to Job Seekers
-Strictly Confidential
-No Obligation
-Nationwide Openings


Fill out our contact form or email us for more information on how to register for our free job search service.


Contact Us




Veterinarian Openings by Region

  • West (California, Hawaii)
  • Northwest (Idaho, Oregon, Washington)
  • Mountain (Colorado, Montana, Utah, Wyoming)
  • Southwest (Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico)
  • South Central (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma,Texas)
  • Great Lakes (Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio)
  • Southeast (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee)
  • Mid-Atlantic (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia)
  • Northeast (Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont)
  • Midwest (Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin)
  • Alaska (Alaska)